About Me

Hey huns! So you wanna know a bit more about me?
So here’s a few facts: 
I’m 25 years old, living in Portsmouth, UK!
I studied BA Fine Art at Univerity although I always had an illustrative flair and an interest in pop culture!
Before discovering digital art, I would paint, draw, use polymer clay, and all kinds of different mediums! I even had a side business where I would needlefelt peoples pets! I’m currently exploring wax melt making which you can find all on UltraVioletMelts

About EmmaDrewThings
I started up yet another Instagram page called EmmaDrewThings. This was probably the third or fourth attempt at sticking with a hobby. I was gifted by my partner my iPad and it all went on from there! I began illustrating families, couples, pets (which I still do now) but as I gained a following it was time to do what I really wanted to do, all of my inspiration stems from cartoons and nostalgia... with a little bit of sass! The rest is history! ✍️
One (wo)man band! 💁
Yes, I am another lockdown owner of a home studio! I mostly do everything myself, package, mock-up, design, source everything. 
Well...  mostly! In February 2021 I had my first lil sprog, my wonderful daughter Violet! Honestly... I don't shut up about her 🤣 My partner also helps on occasion to package and design, keeping it in the family! So if you’re a regular customer, on your thankyou card you might notice two types of handwriting! 

My aspirations is to take this little illustration businesses and take on the world full time! 💕💃
Here's me!
Emma xx